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Gaatha 網站是一個致力於印度傳統手工工藝品製作和手工文化傳播的站點,介紹本土的手工工匠的製作生涯和詳細的手工製作流程,讓你從印度歷史上瞭解印度的手工藝品的歷史遺產資源。

Gaatha 網站的建站目的是把印度傳統的手工藝品搬到網上來,讓更多的人關注印度手工藝傳統和工藝技術,瞭解印度手工藝人的故事,同時增加銷售業務和工作機會,改善工匠們的生活,並突破傳統工藝品的實用性和可塑性,幫助工匠們結合現在的需求來設計和製作現代化的手工藝品。


CGtantra:視覺遊戲CG藝術社區是一個由印度創意CG工作室創辦的動畫、視覺效果、遊戲藝術、CG技術於一體的社區網站,也是印度CG行業門戶類網站,CG論壇爲CG藝術家、2d藝術家和動畫師。3d和2 d藝術品、討論論壇、教程、資源和資源的鏈接。

CGtantra網站資源適用於不同專業的學生,主要涵蓋範圍有電影、遊戲、概念設計、可視化技術、建築可視化設計、插畫設計等,主要合作伙伴有ABAI, FICCI, NASSCOM, IAD, ANIFEST, FMX, CGOverdrive, ANNECY, SIGGRAPH etc.

Dissolving the borders between art and technology in animation, Visual Effects and Gaming Community for creative & technical artists - anyone using traditional & digital medium to tell a story. CGTantra supports all genres, styles, tools & outlooks of artistic flair to help flourish the community. It supports innumerable chapters catering to different professional and student categories including Film, Games, Concept design, Visualization, Architectural visualization, Illustration, and more with the basic motto – LEARN INSPIRE GROW.

CGTantra believes in the philosophy of Learn, Inspire and Grow which we share among all our members that form this ever growing pool of talent in the form of Discussion forums, Tutorials and workshops, Image Showcases, Artist Galleries, Interviews of artists, Production coverage, Contest and Challenges, job boards, podcasts, video galleries, master classes, seminars etc. CGTantra has always been an active/media/content/knowledge partner in local and International events organized ABAI, FICCI, NASSCOM, IAD, ANIFEST, FMX, CGOverdrive, ANNECY, SIGGRAPH etc.

CGTantra had organized first of its kind in India the master class and workshops in PIXAR Render man, XSI, Toonboom, , Claymation, Gaming, Acting, Cinematography, Scriptwriting and many more technology workshops and seminars. Studio Professionals and students from all over the country have been attending it.




A Muzaffarpur, Bihar based design agency built with an intention to design with difference. We keep things simple as well as BEAUTIFUL which gives you remarkable presence with quality and extraordinary design skills. We understand that a good design always enhances the core value of brand. And we focus on giving your brand the design enhancement that brings a great profit to you.We love to design your thoughts to make you stand out in the crowd.

The name accolado emerged from the word Accolade which signifies mark of acknowledgment or an Award.Accolado is envisioned with the goal to achieve as many accolades as possible by fulfilling their client’s dreams in In the year 2009, Atulesh Kumar founded reality.

Accolado has transpired as one of the remarkable unique design group around the sphere with its main intention to provide exclusive and high quality design services to its Client’s for Websites, Advertisements, Stationary, iPhone & Android applications. Accolado has been recently featured on Smashing Magazine Network and other major showcase sites like CSS Mania, CSS Design Awards, CSS Lite, Creattica & more.

We Enjoy to work on design services ranging from Websites, Web Application Intereface, Mobile Application UI/UX, WordPress Theme Design, Advertisement and Landing Page Design, Logo Branding and Stationary Design like Business Cards, Brochures, Pdf Template, Powerpoint sliders and lots more. You can get yourself inspire by checking out our creativity section that is our portfolio page to know more about our excellent design work.

AWESOME! Thought of Contacting Us That’s the thing we love most.Drop Us an email.Suggest, Appreciate or even pat on us if you like what we do.

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