
2025326星期三 7:19pm


2025326星期三 7:19pm
当前位置:國家分類 > 亞洲 > 印度 > 手機通訊 >

PhoneWarrior: 智能垃圾短信攔截應用是印度的一款智能手機垃圾來電和短信攔截應用支持安卓、黑莓和iOS;到目前爲止,Phone Warrior在印度、印尼和英國等市場的應用下載量已超過100萬次。

Phone Warrior到目前爲止已攔截超過2700萬次垃圾來電和短信。Phone Warrior的數據庫中目前有3億個號碼,而每週新增約1000萬個號碼。目前,Phone Warrior的基礎應用可以免費下載。當用戶數達到1000萬之後,該公司可能會改變做法。此外,黑莓手機的高級版應用目前年收費3美元。

Phone Warrior is a FREE Caller ID, Call and SMS Blocker based on the principles of crowd sourcing and machine learning.

Phone Warrior is the only comprehensive application which takes care of all your Mobile Spam (Calls as well as SMS) and at the same time empowers you with the caller information through its rich Global Phone directory.

Phone Warrior works on the principles of machine learning and crowd sourcing and provides a complete Spam guard on your mobile. Through its 100 million + global phone directory it promises details on caller name, location and any associated spammer information every time you receive / make a call to an unknown number.

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