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Buyers benefit from free membership with access to thousands of products and services offered in our classifieds from sellers in India. Browse popular categories, such as cars for sale, mobiles for sale, flats for rent, and real estate classifieds offering property for sale. Use the search feature for locating specific products, such as a new computer or laptop. You can manage the ads you respond to and communicate easily with the seller.印度B2B分類廣告發布平臺是針對於印度本土的分類廣告發佈網站,你可以從這兒搜索增長迅速的在線免費分類廣告。從現在開始發佈免費分類廣告,並在最短的時間內接觸你的客戶。
Explore the fastest growing Online Free Indian Classifieds Advertisement Network. Post free India Ads and reach your customers in very less time. Find your requirements like Electronics, Goods, Home Needs, Jobs, Apartments, Rentals, Real Estate, Books, Machinery, Travel Agents, Matrimonials, Industries, manufacturers and many more in just few minutes. Post free classifieds in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkota, Chennai, Banglore, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Pune, Lucknow, Patna, Nagpur and many other major cities of India.
McxIndia:印度多種商品是印度一家在線對外貿易產品交易平臺,成立於2003年,獲得印度證券交易委員會(Sebi)的認可,但它僅被允許進行外匯衍生品方面的交易。由印度市場企業家Jignesh Shah控制的印度多種商品交易所是印度成立的第三家證交所。
The Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited (MCX), India’s first listed exchange, is a state-of-the-art, commodity futures exchange that facilitates online trading, and clearing and settlement of commodity futures transactions, thereby providing a platform for risk management. The Exchange, which started operations in November 2003, operates within the regulatory framework of the Forward Contracts Regulation Act, 1952 (FCRA, 1952) and regulations there under.
MCX offers trading in more than 30 commodity futures contracts across segments including bullion, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, energy, and agricultural commodities. The exchange focuses on providing commodity ecosystem participants with neutral, secure and transparent trade mechanisms, and formulating quality parameters and trade regulations, in conformity with the regulatory framework. The Exchange has an extensive national reach, with over 2100 members, operations through more than 400,000 trading terminals (including CTCL), spanning over 1770 cities and towns across India.
MCX is India’s leading commodity futures exchange with a market share of 87.3 per cent in terms of the value of commodity futures contracts traded in FY 2012-13. The Exchange was the third largest commodity futures exchange in the world, in terms of the number of contracts traded in CY2012, based on the Futures Industry Association’s annual volume survey released in March 2013. Moreover, as per the survey, during CY 2012, MCX was the world's largest exchange in silver and gold futures, second largest in copper and natural gas futures, and the third largest in crude oil futures.
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