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尤其是東亞其他地區和來自澳洲及新西蘭的女性,因此 CozyCot成爲了突出新加坡全球版圖地位的本地重要網站之一。自2006以來,它每年都高居女性網站Hitwise新加坡網絡卓越表現大獎的榜首,的確是衆望所歸。

CozyCot is every woman's best loved online beauty site! Featuring the hottest content on beauty, fashion and lifestyle, we cater to women and their insatiable needs to be better each day.

Featuring over 28,000 forum threads and more than 2 million posts to date, CozyCot is dedicated to connecting women through a social community that cultivates them to learn and share about latest products and services, buy smart with the best digital community advice and rave about highly sought after trends and must-haves in a woman's world.

CozyCot offers an authentic forum infused with compelling content from experts, members and friends on beauty, fashion, lifestyle, health, parenting to food and entertainment and more. We are a hotspot for the latest topics and trends and offer a wide variety of social networking tools, allowing all you beauty fanatics around the world to connect, share ideas, seek advice and talk about everything from being a teenager to a mom.




StyleXstyle 是一個專門爲時尚愛好者打造的時尚網站,每天收集並精心整理世界各地的時尚資訊,時尚愛好者根據該網站每天發佈的服飾風格靈感來尋找自己愛穿的衣服,該網站集攝影、服飾、明星、購物於一體。

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