





NEWS happens every minute of the day. Beyond the pages of the newspaper, our online team updates stories as they happen throughout the day - breaking exclusive stories with pictures and video as they happen.thetelegraph captures the latest news 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The Telegraph, be it in print or online, is just as informative, compassionate and sympathetic to our readers as it has always been. The Daily Telegraph is still the voice, the heart and the soul of your suburb, region or state.

Over the past 12 months we have taken some time to revisit and talk to our readers - what's important to them, how their lives are changing and what we can do to help them get the most out of their lives.


澳大利亞特別節目廣播事業局(Special Broadcasting Service,SBS)是聯邦政府資助的機構,主管SBS電視臺和SBS廣播臺。以多語種(包括中文)播送多文化節目,包括新聞、體育、紀錄片、電影等多種節目。

Body + Soul

《Body + Soul》澳大利亞著名生活雜誌,主要提供健康、食物、家庭、美容、時尚、情感等內容。


《北岸時報》(North Shore Times)澳大利亞知名的地方性報刊,主要在威洛比、顧林凱、雷恩科夫以及悉尼北部地區發行,於1960年創刊。


(The Age)是墨爾本最大的地方報紙。每日提供世界新聞、體育和商業,並且提供專題報告、信息技術和教育等內容。


CourierMail:昆士蘭郵報是澳大利亞昆士蘭本土媒體報紙之一,提供昆士蘭本地的新聞、娛樂、體育、生活等綜合新聞娛樂報道,是當地非常主流的媒體報紙了。, together with The Courier-Mail and Sunday Mail print editions, gives you the best and latest news, information and entertainment for Queenslanders, including Brisbane Classifieds.

The latest breaking news from the state, nation and the world.

Includes:Detailed analysis and comment、The hottest gossip、Controversial bloggers、Extensive reader reaction、Newsy and offbeat videos、Our popular picture galleries.

We'll even help you with your social life: Our customisable entertainment section contains trusted reviewers and easy, searchable cinema, TV and music guides.



SoBadSoGood網站是由澳大利亞的Alex Wain 於2011年創辦,他人爲互聯網中的流行文化每天都在更新,那麼就來展示一下互聯網中最好的好最差的事件吧,於是他就開始了分享互聯網中每一天裏發生的最有趣的事件,攝影、動畫、雕塑、插畫藝術、街頭藝術、紀錄片、文學等等,凡是他認爲不錯的都會收錄進來,並加上自己獨特的見解。

Firstly we wanted to say thanks for checking out the site, we hope you’re enjoying it.

I’m Alex Wain, along with Daniel Reyes we’re the creators of So Bad So Good which we founded in 2011. We both live in Sydney, Australia and we’re absolutely mad about our football, all things digital & creating content you’ll enjoy.

So Bad So Good aims to showcase the very best and worst of the web. We hunt down the most interesting pop culture trends of the day, so you don’t have to. We’re passionate about bringing you articles that cover a vast range of genres, individuals and mediums because we believe there’s more to life than Reality TV & reading about what your friends are eating on Facebook.

Our posts cover design, photography, animation, sculpture, illustrations, street art, documentaries andliterature right through to the weird, wonderful and infinitely shareable. Our focus is to act as a creative hub, where you can be inspired, amused and entertained every day.

To date we’ve been featured on Huffington Post’s 7 Sites You Should Be Wasting Your Time On, Sydney Morning Herald’s Top 10 Websites To Get You Talking as well as mentioned in The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Buzzfeed, Gizmodo, The Sun, Daily Mail, The Wall Street Journal & The New Yorker to name a few. Oh and did we mention even the likes of Ashton Kutcher, magician Criss Angel, Garbage (the band) & George Takei are fans?

If you haven’t already, subscribe to our weekly e-mail list, that way you’re guaranteed a weekly dose of awesome direct into your inbox. Or join the thousands who have already become our friends on Facebook,Twitter, Pinterest & .


澳洲華麗日報(Drop Dead Gorgeous Daily,簡稱DDGDaily)是一個成立於2007年的老牌女性時尚媒體,一直爲澳大利亞的女性用戶提供全方位的生活報道,主要欄目有時尚、家庭美食、博客學院、美容等。

澳洲華麗日報由 Kate McKibbin 創辦,在創辦該網站之前曾經在英國衆多女性媒體工作,積累的豐富的經驗,自詡爲澳大利亞購物狂之一,憑藉自己的豐富工作經驗和女性導讀的理解,開設了這個網站並獲得了澳大利亞的媒體的好評。


《教育報》(Newspapers in Education)新西蘭著名的教育報刊,致力於幫助老師在課堂上通過報紙教會學生識字和閱讀,從而讓學生養成閱讀的好習慣,與此同時開發他們思考問題的能力,主要針對青少年提供教育課程。



湯斯維爾日報(Townsville Bulletin)致力於準確記錄和塑造生活中的事件,該報的發佈地區主要是北到塔利,難道普洛斯派恩,洗到伊薩山。2006年該報週一至週五平均發行量爲27,187份,週六平均發行量爲41,814份。


《開曼人指南報》(Caymanian Compass)開曼羣島最受歡迎的日報,於1965年創刊。該網站爲其官方網站,主要提供國內外新聞、商業、體育、生活、觀點、通知、分類信息、天氣、圖片、視頻等內容。網站語言爲英語。




《宇宙報》(El Universo)厄瓜多爾發行量最高的西班牙語日報,於1921年創刊,總部設在首都瓜亞基爾。該網站爲其官方網站,主要提供國內外新聞、政治、經濟、商業、體育、娛樂、社會等方面的新聞資訊,內容基本與紙質版一致。


《時代報》(El Tiempo)哥倫比亞銷量最大的報刊,與政府聯繫頗爲緊密。最初,該報刊的大股東爲桑托斯家族的成員,後爲西班牙行星集團。該網站爲其官方網站,主要提供國內外新聞、政治、時事、經濟、社會、體育、教育、分類廣告、體育賽事直播、精彩視頻等內容。

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