高寶公司(Koenig & Bauer AG;縮寫爲KBA)是全球著名印刷設備製造商,成立於1817年,總部位於德國烏茲堡,產品包括印刷機、膠印機、輪轉機等。
Fred Perry(弗雷德·佩裏)是英國著名網球用品品牌,創始於1940年代,以英國著名乒乓球和網球運動員Fred Perry的名字命名。
德國(Eon)是歐洲最大電力公司之一,意昂集團於2000年6月16日由Veba(費巴)和 Viag(維爾格)合併而成。
Social Blade 網站是一個成立於2008年的互聯網視頻統計網站,由Jason URGO創辦,之前是用戶Digg統計,2010年轉換爲統計視頻網站的數據統計,2013年添加了網站的統計,2014年添加了Switch的統計。
Social Blade 網站的針對互聯網中熱門的網站進行統計的目的是通過這些數據進行圖形化和圖表化的展示,預測未來的發展趨勢;不管是商業用戶還是個人用戶都可以在這裏找到自己想要的數據,例如統計用戶訪問量,檢測競爭對手的成長數據,查詢最熱門的頻道等等。
倫敦金屬交易所(London Metal Exchange)是全球最大的基本金屬交易所,成立於1877年,交易品種包括銅、鋁、鉛、鋅等,2012年被香港交易所收購。
iPledg is a broad based, global crowd funding platform for individuals, companies and organizations to raise funds from the crowd. Whether the projects are creative, commercial, charitable or community focused, iPledg is the ideal platform on which to post a project and engage your network to pledge their support.
“Crowd Funding” describes the collective effort of individuals who network and pool their resources, usually via the internet, to support efforts initiated by other people or organizations. It is one of the fastest growing forms of e-commerce on the planet, filling the gap at the bottom of the funding ladder to allow great ideas to get off the groun.
Crowd Funding allows everyone with an idea or a project the ability to raise the money they need to bring their projects to life. Money raised through crowd funding does not involve loans that need to be repaid, or the surrender of equity in your idea or organisation. Most of all, it is a fast, flexible, and proven way of raising funds from “the crowd”.
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