邁凱倫汽車(McLaren Automotive)是(McLaren Group)的一部分,是全球著名跑車製造商,成立於1989年,總部位於英國薩里郡沃金。邁凱輪著名車型包括邁凱倫650S、邁凱倫P1、邁凱倫MP4-12C等。
卡爾森汽車(Carlsson Autotechnik)是德國的一家汽車改裝公司,成立於1989年,總部位於梅爾齊希,是四大改裝廠之一,擁有獨立品牌。卡爾森車型有卡爾森GL級、卡爾森C25、卡爾森S級等。
MotoGP按排氣量的大小分爲MotoGP級別(1000cc)、Moto2級別(600cc 取代了原來的GP250級別)和Moto3級別(250cc 取代了原來的GP125級別)這3個級別。現在全部級別都採用四行程引擎。,即每站都有三組賽事。其中Moto GP組就是由GP500升級轉變而來,主要的變化就是由原來二行程500毫升引擎轉換成990毫升四行程引擎。從這項改革措施在2000年被國際摩聯(FIM)正式確認並執行後,MotoGP在摩托車賽事的地位就等同於F1目前在方程式賽車中的地位了。
Boasting 63 years of history, MotoGP™ is the oldest of all motorsports World Championships - its first annual competition having been held in 1949.
From the early 1900s motorcycle Grands Prix were held in various countries and in 1938 the predecessor to the current FIM, the FICM (Fédération Internationale des Clubs Motocyclistes), announced a European Championship. However, the start of the Second World War interrupted the competition and it then took some time after the war for fuel to become available, before a truly international series could be created.
When the first formal World Championship was held in 1949 Grand Prix racing comprised four solo classes, with the inaugural ‘premier class’ 500cc title being won by British rider Leslie Graham on AJS machinery. Another Brit, Freddie Frith (Velocette) took the first ever 350cc World title, while Italians Bruno Ruffo (Moto Guzzi) and Nello Pagani (Mondial) were the first 250cc and 125cc World Champions respectively.
A 600cc sidecar championship in the same season was won by Britons Eric Oliver and Denis Jenkinson with Norton machinery, though the sidecar category became a 500cc competition in 1951.
The Italian manufacturers such as the aforementioned Mondial and Moto Guzzi firms, along with companies such as Gilera and MV Agusta, dominated the World Championships during the 1950s, reflecting the strength of the country’s motorcycle industry at the time. MV Agusta were particularly prolific late in the decade, taking a clean sweep of World titles across all four categories for three seasons from 1958 to 1960 – while their dominance in the 500cc class was unbroken for 17 years from 1958 until 1974.
During the ‘60s the Japanese motorbike industry began to boom and during that decade many of the manufacturers that participate in modern day MotoGP™ racing, such as Honda, Suzuki and Yamaha, arrived to pick up their first World Championship title wins across the 125, 250 and 500 categories, as they announced themselves in Grand Prix racing. Suzuki in particular enjoyed great success in a new 50cc class which was introduced in 1962.
The late ‘60s brought the start of the glory days for MotoGP™ Legend Giacomo Agostini – the most successful rider in the history of World Championship competition. Up until the modern era riders regularly competed in two or three classes simultaneously and Agostini took 10 of his 15 titles in five successive seasons as double champion in 350cc and 500cc - in a golden period commencing in 1968, riding for MV Agusta.
At this time the escalating costs associated with Grand Prix racing had reached such a level that several Japanese firms withdrew from competition - with only Yamaha left at the end of the ‘60s. In response the FIM introduced rules which limited the bikes to single cylinder engines in the 50cc class, two cylinders in 125cc and 250cc, and four cylinders in 350cc and 500cc.
McLAREN (邁凱倫)公司一個專門製造超級跑車的汽車品牌,汽車品牌源自F1賽車邁凱倫車隊,總部位於英國沃金,該汽車品牌用於公路車輛始於1990年,在車隊專家意見的基礎上生產公路汽車,以運用一級方程式賽車的工程和技術研發公路跑車而聞名。
2015日內瓦車展繼續進行,車展期間,邁凱倫正式發佈了675LT車型。新車搭載了經過重新調教的3.8L V8雙渦輪增壓發動機,另外車身重量相比650S更輕。全新的邁凱倫675LT延續着邁凱倫的家族化造型。外飾配色方面提供了灰、紅、綠、白四鍾全新的配色。
動力方面,全新邁凱倫675LT搭載3.8L V8雙渦輪增壓發動機,最大功率496千瓦,最大扭矩700牛·米。相比現款的650S提升了25馬力的功率輸出和22牛·米的扭矩輸出。在如此的動力輸出下,675LT擁有2.9秒的百公里加速時間,0-200公里/小時加速時間爲7.9秒,最高時速達到330公里/小時。
Adac.de:德國汽車協會 總部位於慕尼黑,向汽車、摩托車和小型船隻駕駛者提供服務,同時印刷出版地圖和交通圖。
鈴木公司(Suzuki Motor Corporation,鈴木株式會社)是日本的一家汽車製造商,成立於1920年,最初主要生產紡織用機具,現主要業務爲汽車和摩托車生產。在2013年世界500強排名中,鈴木公司排在第367位。
光岡汽車(Mitsuoka Motor)是日本的一家汽車製造公司,成立於1968年,總部位於富山縣,口號爲“小車廠,大夢想”。光岡主要改裝豪華車輛,著名車型包括OROCHI、HIMIKO以及基於野馬打造的GALUE。
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