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佩魯賈彼埃特羅·凡努濟美術學院(Accademia di belle artilegalmente riconosciuta “Pietro Vannucci” di PERUGIA)意大利古老的藝術學院,由畫家奧拉齊奧-阿爾法尼、建築師兼數學家拉斐爾-索齊於1573年創立的,僅比歐洲第一所美術學校——的創立晚10年,主要提供三年制本科與兩年制碩士專業課程,加入了蘇格拉底-伊拉斯謨交換生計劃。


圖西亞大學(Università degli Studi della Tuscia)意大利知名國立大學,於1979年創立,位於拉齊奧大區的維特堡,主要院系有農學院、文化遺產保護學院、經濟學院、外國語言與文學學院等,開設本科、研究生專業課程。


卡梅里諾大學(Università degli Studi di Camerino)意大利最具改革創新精神的大學,於1336年創立,擁有悠久的歷史,從1958年開始成爲公立大學,設有建築學院、藥劑學院、法律學院、醫學院和科技學院。




烏迪內大學(Università degli Studi di Udine;英文:University of Udine)意大利著名大學,於1978年創立,位於東北部烏迪內,設有農業學院、經濟學院、教育學學院、工程學院 、現代語言學院、人文學院、法學院、醫學院、理學院、獸醫學院十個學院。


那不勒斯腓特烈二世大學(意大利語:Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II;英語:University of Naples Federico II)是世界上最古老的國立大學,始建於1224年,位於那不勒斯,現有約80000名學生。


都靈美術學院(Accademia Di Belle Arti ALBERTINA DI)意大利歷史悠久的美術學院,於1678年創立,存在近三個世紀之久,位於皮埃蒙特大區首府都靈,主要院系包括繪畫、雕塑、舞美、裝飾、企業設計、新技術。


米蘭比可卡大學(Milan Bicocca University)意大利著名綜合性大學,被譽爲“經濟專業”,於1998年創立,位於倫巴第大區米蘭市,被中國教育部認證,主要院系包括經濟學院、教育科學學院、法學院、自然科學學院、醫學院等,提供學士、碩士、博士課程。


熱那亞大學是意大利一所老牌的綜合類公立大學,主要專業有建築系,醫藥系,法律系等。學校創辦於1471年,位於意大利利古里亞大區。熱那亞大學、開設本科和碩士課程142 門,博士課程27 門。大學共有 11 個學院,其中有:建築、經濟學、工程等;開設各種一級和二級學位課程。教師 1100 人,學生 30000 人。


Twig World:在線免費教育視頻資源網是一個提供免費兒童教育視頻資源的網站,只要提供化學、生物學、地理學、數學、物理等內容的視頻資源,幫助學生提高學習興趣,通過視頻來爲學生們展示科學的偉大。


Twig World網站提供了大量的視頻資源,已紀錄片的方式來教育和影響學生們的思維、思考和實踐能力,讓學習擁有自我的思考方式,例如爲何地球有四季變化,教科書只是死板的告訴學生,地球有四季變化;而採用視頻教育方式,學生可以很直觀的瞭解到地球的四季變化是如何產生的又是如何運行的,學生們會通過自己的思考來理解。

Twig is an award-winning online resource with thousands of tailor-made, short films that bring subjects to life.

Teach with Twig to:

1、Captivate your class

2、Ensure student understanding

3、Explore the world

4、Deliver outstanding lessons

An invaluable and inspiring online resource for teachers, Twig uses engagement and wonder to deliver deep-seated understanding. Using world class film footage, images and written text, Twig offers real-world content to spark enthusiasm in any classroom.

The Twig website provides teachers instant access to thousands of brilliant films and online resources to suit any teacher and any level of student; schools can and do use the Twig resource every single day to deliver outstanding teaching and learning. Download our film list to see the full range of film content.






Flooved平臺是在兩年前由Nicolas Philippe and Hamish Brocklebank創辦,旨在爲教育界的教科書提供最權威的知識資料,完善教育課程資料的權威性和完整性,並且用戶可以在平臺上對閱讀的內容進行批註、記錄。

Flooved is a social educational application that offers benefits to students, academics and publishers. Eventually, this intelligent app will turn into one of the best and most comprehensive libraries of academic textbooks online but, for the moment, it focusses purely on scientific subjects. It provides all the study material needed for the modern day student with textbooks, past exam papers, theses and video content at your fingertips. But that's not the end of the story. It also enriches and adds to the learning experience by cross linking relevant topics by chapter and even adds a social side by allowing both students and professorial types to annotate, add links and content and interact.

Flooved provides a package of vetted academic textbooks, journals, lecture notes, past exam papers, theses and video content to students for a monthly subscription and then adds value to the content by building context into it by specifically cross linking relevant topics by chapter. This is done using a combination of statistical, semantic and ontological indexing engines with the most relevant content being pushed to the top of the list. Flooved is also social and allows all sides to add relevant new material to the underlying content that can be accessed by other users.

Upgrade to the low-cost premium plan and access the premium text books which can cost a small fortune to purchase. For academics, it can help your students to study better without any extra work on your part. You can upload your own content and share it with your class or with the whole world and all content is structured and curated to complement existing degree courses. For publishers like BBC and Mansons, it provides a non-substitutional pathway for existing content and helps monetize content. Results can then be fully analyzed, using your own live dashboard, to understand just how students engage with your content.

It's been said that Flooved will become the best online science information reference available and who am I to doubt it? It certainly deals with the issue of the poor and impoverished student having to buy expensive textbooks because the app offers a wealth of content and even the premium content comes at a low cost. Flooved comes with its own built-in, intelligent e-reader with facilities to read material later. But, to me, the best things about this easy to use app are its very useful cross references of relevant chapters option and it's social side which allows both students and academics to interact and add material. Flooved is an intelligent source of scientific information that is only going to get bigger.




Shipwrights build ships. Playwrights write plays. Pathwrights make paths. With Pathwright you can create learning paths that take students, employees, or anyone in the world to that next level of skill or knowledge.

about "fixing" education. While the tech world focuses on new technology as a panacea, it’s easy to forget the core of what educators do that’s so amazing: educators create paths for others to follow, and they guide them along the way. This path making is both an art and a science. It’s an ancient and modern skill that requires ingenuity and tenacity — a craft in the truest sense of the word. New technology doesn’t change this essence, but most technical solutions ignore it.

focuses first on helping all kinds of educators easily craft learning paths for their students to follow. While you’re at it, we want to help you make a living teaching what you love, as any craftsman should.


格勒諾布爾國立理工學院(INP Grenoble Institut National;又稱:le groupe Grenoble INP)法國著名的國立學院,是由國立格勒諾布爾理工學院和電氣學院合併而成,位於羅納-阿爾卑斯大區,擁有6所工程師學院、1個工程師預科班、1所博士生研究院和26個研究實驗室,主要開設電力工程、信號處理、自動化技術、造紙工程等專業。


勃艮第大學(Université de Bourgogne;UB)法國著名的多學科綜合大學,本部位於第戎市(Dijon),以醫療健康專業著稱,有資格頒發學士學位、碩士學位、博士學位等國家文憑。

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