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David Yates 是一個技術宅的博客網站,所涵蓋的範圍包括技術、黑客、獨立遊戲、互聯網研究、軟件使用技巧、信息安全等,還有博主擅長分析的各種資訊文章,該博客裏的一些文章非常值得閱讀。

David Yates 的日常工作是致力於信息安全方面的研究,並且對獨立遊戲有着長期的熱情,尤其是那些陷入敘事邏輯類的遊戲,而且博主還會自己製作,喜歡研究互聯網的用戶不妨訂閱該博客,你會獲取到博主研究網絡文化、變成和軟件的相關文章。






The art of blogging is a tough one and, while there are a lot of really interesting writers out there just waiting to be heard, it's not quite so easy to get your message across. And, therein lies the biggest problem with blogging - getting your voice heard! Glipho is a community for writers that takes blogging social and creates a place where you can display your articles and publish your work in minutes. Connect your or Flickr accounts and embellish your work with photos while adding your Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+ accounts to complete your social picture.

Thanks to the internet, everyone has the potential to be a writer publishing their thoughts. Glipho pushes that potential even further by putting the social into blogging and lets you start publishing, reach a bigger audience and gain new followers in a matter of minutes. Glipho is a publishing engine where the content is ranked and highlighted by users. Come and read what you care about, choose the topics and writers that appeal to you and then follow them.

 Engage with your readers or other writers by either writing from scratch using the desk feature or import your existing posts from your Blogger, Wordpress or Tumblr accounts in just a couple of clicks and with all your SEO being taken care off. Unique features such as trending writers and versions will allow you to create your own version of any existing Gliph and link it to the original. Then connect your Instagram, Flickr or Picasa accounts and easily drag and drop your photos into your content. Attach your Twitter, Linkedin or Google + accounts to Glipho and create a complete social profile that helps you push you and your content to an even bigger audience.

The developers of Glipho are dedicated bloggers themselves who found that they were spending as much time on the design of their site as they were on their content and, even then, it was difficult to find an audience who wanted to read it. So they created this Pinterest-like social writing application where bloggers could create their own community and concentrate on the thing they do best - writing, interacting and informing.

This is the age of social media, and Glipho has built a network to connect with all the other platforms that we all love using. Facebook for personal lives, Twitter for communication with others, Linkedin for the professional relationships, Pinterest for collecting what we like, and Instagram for share amazing photos. Glipho could well be the community that takes blogging to a new level.







蒂娜羅思(Tina Roth Eisenberg)是來自瑞士斯派克,受到瑞士設計理念的影響而長大,1999年完成設計求學之路後,橫渡大西洋來到紐約,從那時起在紐約的幾家知名的設計公司工作,並獲得多個設計獎項。




How Clothes Should Fit 網站是由來自於荷蘭的N. Taverna創辦,旨在幫助人民如何更好地穿衣打扮,讓你的衣服更合適合你的個人形象和提高個人素質,從時間、服飾、細節三個方面來指導人們。


Before we jump in, let us note that clothes best flatter a fit body. When it comes to your appearance, apparel is only part of the equation. It is important to eat well, drink well, and exercise occasionally. Many of us have busy lives and we cannot all be models, but you don’t need six-pack abs to look good.

It is much easier for clothing to look great for someone in shape. However, losing weight isn’t the only thing that matters – if you’re lanky and stick-like, start working out. It will help you fill out your clothes. Additionally, before beginning have someone accurately take all of your measurements. These are very useful numbers when shopping for clothing in-store, and they are absolutely crucial when shopping online.


StyleScrapBook 是由一位定居於荷蘭的墨西哥美女創辦的博客網站,網站上有其本人的時尚搭配自拍博文和時尚潮流單品清單,除了提供大量的圖片外還有不分視頻內容,讓喜歡追逐時尚的用戶能夠瀏覽異國風光。






DeskHunt 是一個致力於探索工作環境、工作方法、工作效率的博客站點,作者從人體工學和自我完善的角度來探索如果通過外在的環境和內在的自我修改來提高工作效率。






If you like Photoshop, maybe you should bookmark our blog! It is a place for all the people that want to learn with us. We offer you useful Photoshop resources and quality design inspiration.

On this blog you will find Photoshop tutorials that are published at least twice a month! The inspirational images, the stock photos and the resources used on this site comply with the requirements of the Creative Commons License under which these resources are published. For all the other images with different publishing licenses we contact the artists and obtain their approval.




失敗博客(Fail Blog)是美國一個視頻博客網站,主要爲用戶提供視頻瀏覽、上傳、評論和分享服務,其視頻內容涵蓋生活、娛樂、教育和搞笑等種類。


壽司日(Sushi Day)是美國一個有關壽司的博客站點,是由一對酷愛壽司的情侶所創建的。網站通過博客的方式,傳播各式各樣壽司的做法和有關壽司的術語,其中不乏由特殊材料製成的各種瘋狂壽司做法。

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