
2025326星期三 2:45pm


2025326星期三 2:45pm
当前位置:國家分類 > 歐洲 > 德國 > 網絡安全 >

MailDude:免費臨時郵箱註冊服務網是一個可以幫助人們屏蔽郵件攻擊的服務,你只需要在網站上輸入自己的真實郵箱地址,即可生成一個臨時郵箱地址,[email protected],並且只能收取郵件,而不同發送郵件。當然支持中文顯示。

MailDude 的設計相當簡單,直接於網站內填入你要使用的帳號名稱,隨即就能開啓信箱,MailDude 會爲你收取郵件並保存一小時,讓你有足夠的時間可以點選郵件內的確認鏈結,幫助你完成帳號驗證。特別是你想測試一些網絡服務,又不希望泄漏自己的真實信箱時。不過切記不要使用MailDude 來接收密碼、或具有私人資訊的郵件,因爲每個MailDude 信箱都是公開的、且每個人都能夠存取該訊息。





RealtimeBoard is a cloud-based collaboration software, which allows you to discuss your projects freely on endless whiteboards.

1、Discuss web-site or product interfaces with your team. Add visual materials and screenshots, mark-up, leave comments in mini-chats;

2、Create simple sketches or complex infographics using shapes, texts and mark-up tools. Visualize any data and share it with others;

3、Upload pictures and drawings of interior and exterior, discuss your design projects with your colleagues and clients using comments and chat;

4、Visualize your taskboard and use it with your team. Create tasks with post-its, move them, leave comments – increase your productivity;

5、Plan and discuss your projects in RealtimeBoard – add your Google Docs and PDF-presentations, create mindmaps and collaborate in real time;

6、Use business model template to structure your business activity. Add files, texts, pictures, comments and work together.

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