
2025326星期三 4:04pm


2025326星期三 4:04pm
当前位置:國家分類 > 歐洲 > 德國 > B2B網站 >


GermanyBusinessHub.Com is a B2B portal for exporters & importers to explore new markets and increase their international business in a simple, cost effective manner. Numerous businesses have benefited from our services over the past 14 years.

GermanyBusinessHub.Com is one of the 114 trade portals, all of which are owned and operated by Wyzen Systems Pvt. Ltd, (see company information) a company founded in 1997 and based in New Delhi, India. Click here to join and explore new business opportunities.

GermanyBusinessHub Statistics:

1、552,586 companies from 240 countries;

2、125,645 yearly trade leads;

3、150,896 registered buyers;

4、285,330 products across 1,838 categories;

5、Network of 114 trade portals。




Yalwa operates local Internet applications in 40 countries around the globe. Besides the Yalwa Business Directory, we currently also operate Locanto, a local free classifieds site that is also brought to you in 5 languages, and askalo - a local Q&A community on which you can ask a local and discover your city.

Yalwa is a worldwide business directory in which companies can list their business and advertise within their local neighborhood. The Yalwa Business Directory is available in 38 countries worldwide, covering over 1600 cities and 5 major languages.



B2B Handelsportal fuer Restposten vom Großhandel. Finden Sie über 160.000 B2B Großhändler Angebote wie: Restposten, Importartikel, Aktionswaren, Sonderposten uvm. vom Großhandel, Einzelhandel und Importeur.




AbcOnline成立於1949年,已經擁有60多年的歷史,擁有良好的技術和龐大的商業數據庫平臺,幫助世界各地的外貿企業快速尋找合適的合作伙伴,提供貿易成交量。 ist Deutschlands größte B2B-Lieferantendatenbank für den Mittelstand.

Mit mehr als 4 Mio. Unternehmen aller Branchen und einer detaillierten und modernen Produktklassifikation. Hier finden Sie einfach und schnell neue Kunden und Geschäftspartner. Vor allem aber: Hier kann Ihr Unternehmen garantiert gefunden werden. Denn wir sorgen dafür, dass es bei der Suche stets ganz oben steht.

Sechs Jahrzehnte Know-how zahlen sich aus.

Seit 1949 gibt es das ABC der deutschen Wirtschaft. In unserer Fachredaktion werden die Daten unfangreich gepflegt und bearbeitet, damit wir auf aktuelle und bestens aufbereitet Informationen zur Verfügung stellen. Die Liste der suchbaren Produktbegriffe wird kontinuierlich überarbeitet. Dank bester Technik und gezielter Optimierung steigt der Nutzwert von ABC stetig an. auf einen Blick:

• Deutschlands größte B2B-Lieferantendatenbank für den Mittelstand

• Schnelle, einfache Suche nach Produkten, Dienstleistungen, Namen

• Für direkten Zugang zu Entscheidern in Unternehmen

• Immer gefunden werden dank Toptrefferliste und Suchmaschinenoptimierung






B2B portal for small, medium and large companies containing companies and trade leads mainly from middle-east Europe and from Asia. You can subscribe free and buy more advanced paid service. shall have a right to limit the access to some services for non-registered users or users who use the services for free.

Electronical information exchange is a motor behind the economy of the 21st century. A great development of the internet already results not only in the change of the basic business processes and their acceleration but also influences the process of shaping of the demand for completely new products and services and generates a need for completely new methods of customer support. The access to the world information resources is now accessible by everyone. The resulting reduction of costs, of the reaction time and full personalization of customer support results in the development of positive business relations. Internet can be a very efficient source of contacts with business partners and suppliers but most of all can be a very attractive distribution channel with an unlimited range and working 24 hours per day. is an internet portal whose main goal is to help small and medium enterprises to reach much higher profits while reducing costs by publishing information about their offer in our portal. It is a form of building of a new and efficient distribution channel for products and services. unites an electronic catalog of companies and trade leads. Each company can publish both information about their activity, contact data, and also information about products or services offered or seeked, or expectations from a potential cooperation. Users of our portal have a full access to all information allowing them to establish a business contact and exchanging information with a potential partner is very easy.



wlw是DACH地區訪問量最大的專業採購互聯網平臺。每月有140萬買家使用我們的公司數據庫,其中包含超過620000家供應商、製造商和批發商,以尋找合適的公司。買家受益於我們精確而簡單的搜索或使用我們的wlw Connect服務,我們會爲供應商搜索提供適當的結果。
Das Telefonbuch
5000萬人經常使用Das Telefonbuch獲取電話和地址信息。
RS Components德國
RS Components是全球最大的電子、自動化和控制組件、工程工具和耗材的B2B分銷商之一,擁有超過500000種庫存並準備發貨的產品。
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