Winds 是一個在線版的個性化RSS閱讀器,幫助喜歡使用RSS閱讀器用戶體驗列表視圖樣式,目前提供三種模式:跟隨、從事、學習;默認提供多種主題訂閱,用戶初始化選擇完成會根據用戶的喜好來訂閱文章。
Personalization is a very broad concept. In this case, personalization equates to leveraging engagement data to build an interest profile for a user. Many of the apps you use every day leverage machine learning to personalize your feeds. Here are 4 examples:
1. created an "Explore" section that shows you pictures you’re likely to be interested in, based on your past clicks, likes and engagement.
2.Quora uses your engagement data, like the posts that you search for and comment on, to personalize your feed experience and emails.
3.Facebook uses advanced machine learning to prioritize posts from the friends you engage with most, after starting out with just a basic edge rank algorithm.
4.Etsy analyzes your search and shopping behavior to optimize your newsfeed, email and e-commerce conversion.
Chordify 網站是一個在線版的音樂樂譜提取工具,該網站通過內嵌youtub視頻網站和SoundCloud網站上的音樂資源,通過搜索到的音樂來提取音樂裏的樂譜,同時還有用戶上傳上來的彈奏視頻,用戶可以參考曲譜和彈奏視頻來練習。
Chordify 網站使用方法:通過站內的來搜索相關的歌曲,也可以通過URL鏈接該獲取想要的音樂源,獲取到音樂源以後 Chordify 將自動從歌曲中提取樂譜並展示出來,當你按下開始按鈕以後將開始播放,每個節拍由方塊表示,當歌曲播放時,光標會現實當前節拍位置,告訴你這首歌曲的演奏位置。展示出來的樂譜可以編輯和下載PDF或MIDI文件保存到本地使用。
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