


::::::::::::::: 网站详细信息 ::::::::::::::::

NAVA Design 品牌是意大利的一家設計團隊創辦,成立於1970年,總部設在米蘭,最早致力於之類製品的設計和生產,並與多爲知名國際設計師攜手設計日曆和年曆,目前擁有三大產品線,紙製品與文具、家居配件、皮具等。

NAVA Design品牌的所有產品從最初的創意發現、研究調查到最後的產品開發與生產製作,每一階段都講究完美設計與優良品質並進的策略發展,另外NAVA Design與其合作過的設計師非常龐大,其中不乏設計界的佼佼者。

Nava Design was founded in 1970, at the time Nava decided working with leading international designers.

The success of these partnerships has allowed Nava to create a very strong link between design and its products. The study and the development of the products find the right balance between functionality and aesthetic sensitivity, which is the base for Nava philosophy. Refined materials, quality and innovation characterize all products, translating a design that goes beyond vain fashion.

Through the years some products have become icons in the graphic worldwide, and are still today available in a Museums and Design Foundations in the world.
 Currently the world’s Nava is declined in three catalogues, Bags and Accessories, Stationery, Design watches that communicate trough a single language “The Design”.

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