GeoGuessr 絕對考驗你的智(耐)力和知(人)識(品)面(值)。在你觀察周圍環境的時候可能不知不覺中走了很遠。這時候可以點一下 “Return to start location” 回到你原來的地方。
由於 google street view 會模糊人臉和車牌號,所以難度還是很大的。
1、Look at the area and figure out whrer you are;
2、Click the map to place your guess marker (for your start position);
3、Click button to guess.
GeoGuessr was created by Anton Wallén during the hard Swedish winter of 2013 and launched in April later the same year. A few weeks after launch the site started to pick up speed and the traffic greatly increased (largely thanks to our awesome users sharing the site over social media) which lead to more and more people discovering it as well as some of the "regular" media outlets.
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