


::::::::::::::: 网站详细信息 ::::::::::::::::

Ps I Made This 網站是一個由 Erica Domesek 創立的創新生活方式的品牌站點,以定製化和個性化的時尚產品爲終極目標,激勵和幫助愛美的女性用戶培養她們愛美的心,通過豐富的創造力和想象力來展示自己動手的生活方式。

創始人Erica Domesek:founder of the innovative do-it-yourself (DIY) lifestyle brand P.S.- I made this…is a distinguished design and style expert living and creating in New York City. Her mission is to inspire and encourage people everywhere to embrace the concept of “I see it. I like it. I make it.” She’s passionate about her mission in helping others stylishly personalize their lives through DIY.

Domesek has appeared on The Today Show, Rachael Ray, The Martha Stewart Show, E! News, The Nate Berkus Show, Fox Business News, and as a judge on TLC’s Craft Wars. Her work has been featured in issues of Glamour, Lucky, InStyle, Teen Vogue, Self, Elle, Vogue, The Wall Street Journal and more. In 2013, she was named as a spokesperson for the Craft and Hobby Association (CHA).

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