塗色生活(Coloring Life) 網站是一個致力於成年人保持兒童心靈的藝術繪本站點,提供多種多樣的黑白插畫繪本,讓你下載後根據自己的喜好顏色來進行塗色遊戲,通過你的感覺、技巧和鉛筆的顏色來進行放鬆身心的色彩生活。
爲何最近互聯網上對“着色”如此受歡迎呢?其原因爲樂趣和釋放壓力,緩解焦慮心理,喬爾·皮爾森心理學講師曾經說過“When coloring you have a defined task which is challenging enough but not enough that it become problematic. It’s repetitive but you don’t become bored… [Coloring occupies] those parts of your brain that might normally be involved in anxiety.”
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