當你在 DataHug 系統內輸入想查找的聯繫人或公司時,它就能給你呈現出你公司同事中的人和這個特定人 / 公司有聯繫,並會列出他們的關係強弱度。除了郵件系統,日程應用的數據也可以被導入到 DataHug 中來做關係分析。
Datahug shows who everyone in your company is connected to and measures the strength of each relationship.
Datahug was established in 2010 with deep expertise in communication systems and data analysis. Founded in Ireland and headquartered in California, the company has secured over $5 million in Series A funding.
Its world class line up of investors include Draper Fisher Jurvetson, DFJ Esprit, Oyster Capital and Silicon Valley investor Ron Conway. Datahug has a broad worldwide client base, including three of the Big Six accountancy firms, multiple global banks and a large number of financial services, investment banking and venture capital firms. The core Datahug technology has garnered multiple technology and business awards.
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